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Alighieri's final book of The Divine Comedy is Paradiso.
In this book, he demonstrates the theory of iconic realism in that he aligns
the spirit of the beloved Beatrice with the true wisdom of God, yet he
simultaneously illustrates the need for humanity to acknowledge the
glorious virtues found within the parameters of human interaction.
lines 28-39: The souls exist as projections of their truest light, the light
that shines directly from God, which is their 'true home' whereas in lines
72-81, what the Pilgrim cannot learn directly must be taught him through a suffering analogy involving the senses, human physiological experience. This contradicts
the earlier lines that indicate truth as intangible and experienced only
through one's own enlightenment from God.
The human
will can enjoy freedom to move of his own accord; he can act in response to
the intensity of individual motivation. When perfect, Divine balance exists between two
motives, and the will could feel deprived of its power to move. It could thus become paralyzed.
A paradox that remains is humanity needs to interact with others but
resists the risk of relying on God to help us take the right and effective action. The result could be apathy... or right action. We must decide. Paradise could exist anywhere, even on a mountaintop.
Lines 28-39:
Choose the most God-like of the Seraphim---
take Moses, or Samuel, or take either John,
or even Mary--- not one is nearer Him, 30
nor holds his seat atop the blessed spheres
in any heaven apart from those you saw;
nor has his being more or fewer years.
All add their beauty to the Highest Wheat,
share the sweet life, and vary n it only 35
by how much of the Eternal Breath they feel.
They showed themselves here not because this post
has been assigned them, but to symbolize
that they stand lowest in the Heavenly host.
Lines 72-81:
" --If violence, to begin,
occurs when those who suffer its abuse
contribute nothing to what forces them,
then these should have no claim to that excuse. 75
For the will, if it will not, cannot be spent,
but does as nature does within a flame
a thousand or ten thousand winds have bent.
If it yields of itself, even in the least,
Then it assists the violence -- as did these 80
who could have gone back to their holy feast.
from: The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Translated by John Ciardi
New American Library, 2003